The Importance of Downtime for a Productive Mind

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In a world where the line between our work and personal lives is blurred, it's hard to find moments of calm amongst the chaos. Have you ever considered what the effects of working non-stop without a break have on your mind? Here are the reasons you need to be prioritizing downtime and how you can do just that!

Why Downtime Is Important:

Our brains are like smartphones. The more we use them, the more depleted they become. In the same way, our minds can't keep working forever. Eventually, they need to be recharged.

When we recharge, we end up with more power than before. Taking a 15-minute break will not only help you to clear your mind but also boost your productivity. Making time for a bit of recovery is just as important as the work itself.

You Own Your Time:

At this point, you may be saying: "But I don't have enough time to take a break." If this is you, try to remember: "We own our time." We all get 24 hours each day. There is no such thing as not having the time to do something, you simply haven't found the time yet. Granted, you may have to stay up a few extra hours or stay at work for a few minutes longer but at the end of the day, you will have accomplished all that you set out to do.

So, next time you think: "I don't have enough time to take a break." Just reallocate some work time to a later hour and spend the time you now have free to take a break and relax.

Ways To Use Downtime:

Now that you know why downtime is important for your mind, here are some ways you can use your downtime effectively:

woman meditating on bench over mountain valley


Scheduling in time for an app like Headspace, Calm, or Balance is one of the best things you can do during your break. It helps you improve clarity, sharpen your mind, and relax. Using one of these apps either in the morning or before bed (or both) is definitely worth your time.

Regular Exercise

Exercise has been proven to relax the mind while the body works. Developing a morning workout routine will help you to start your day positively. This can also count as a quick walk around the block or out in nature.

Remember to Eat

Keeping the body fueled with the right nutrients is essential for having a productive mind. Make sure to get the right vitamins and minerals into your body each day. Check out this article by registered dietitian Katherine Marengo on Medical News Today explaining all the right foods to eat for increased brain function here.

Turn off your Phone

Putting your phone on silent during your breaks might seem odd because right now you most likely spend your downtime scrolling through social media or playing games. However, these things do not count as true downtime. While scrolling through social media your brain tends to process an incredible amount of useless information. On top of this, you can become stressed and concerned with likes and follower counts, this is not healthy for your mind.

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Read a Book

If you feel like your brain needs to be occupied with something, read a book. Although reading still requires your brain to process a lot of information, the stressful aspect that social media creates doesn't exist.

Talk to a Friend

Working all day, every day can often cause you to feel lonely. Using your break to have a quick chat with a friend is a guaranteed fix! Make sure to always include a healthy amount of socialization in your day so you can avoid falling into an anti-social loop.

Stay Organized

Creating an organization system can dramatically boost your productivity and clarity of mind. This could include cleaning up your desk, planning out your day, or simply organizing your tasks in a cleaner fashion. Either using your break to create your organization system or using it to organize your tasks can prove to be a very fulfilling way to use your valuable downtime.

Listen to Music

Listening to music is a popular way to pass time, the music you listen to can directly influence your mood and mental state. The best music to listen to during your downtime can be songs with an upbeat tempo, which will often put you into a positive and energetic mood. Another option could be a slower tempo such as lofi, jazz, etc.

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Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

How Often Should You Take Breaks?

Most employers allow 5 to 30-minute breaks throughout the workday. So, a great time to do any of the things mentioned in the previous section is during these times.

If you fit into the entrepreneur or creator category, then you may not have specific work hours. If this is the case, taking a break every 90 minutes may prove to be effective. At the end of each 90-minute work, period take a 15-minute break. This will help the brain to recharge and retain information better.

Bottom Line:

Making time within your workday to relax should be an essential part of life. However, the majority of people live in a 24/7 workflow where they think there is never any time to contribute to their mental health. I encourage you to take at least a few breaks a day for some real downtime. This not only helps you to retain a clearer mind but also helps you to stay productive in this ever-changing world.

Do you take breaks throughout your workday? If so, how many?


Austin Jeans is a New Zealand blogger and the creator of Focus Weekly, a productivity and self-improvement blog.

Austin Jeans

Austin Jeans is a New Zealand blogger and the creator of Focus Weekly, a productivity and self-improvement blog.

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