Real Life RPG – 25 Real Life Quests for Nerds, Geeks, Gamers, and Would-Be Adventurers

What if we could do earn experience points and complete quests in real life?

Quests are what makes RPGs so enjoyable. They provide goals to strive toward while progressing our story and encouraging us to make choices that develop our character. Quests in role playing games range from defeating the horrific monster and saving the village to fetching a frying pan for a lazy villager. 

We may not have dragons to slay in real life, and most of us prefer to avoid lazy NPCs.  But there are plenty of real quests that we can take to improve our stats and have some fun along the way.

Here is a list of 25 real-life quests for nerds, geeks, gamers, and would-be adventurers.

(Excerpt from 100 Real Life Quests for Nerds, Geeks, Gamers and Would-Be Adventures available for subscribers)

Single Player Quests

  • Plan out a real-life adventure

    What would you really love to do, climb a mountain, learn to surf, travel the world? Plan out what you could do right now to work towards getting there.

  • Learn a language

    It helps to speak more than common to communicate with those you met on your travels. The choices for classes are endless, from High Valyrian and Elvish to something a bit more low- fantasy like German or Spanish.

  • Paint a miniature

    Try out your painting skills on a miniature from your favorite game or character. Bonus if you get to use it in your next game.

  • Organize your inventory

    Just like a game, we need to take care to avoid becoming encumbered. Get rid of the things that no longer serve you in your current questline.

  • Create your own trail rations

    Trail mix is good for more than just a hike. It can be a healthy snack for your gaming table as well. Make your own mix and give a special fantasy name to be enjoyed on your adventure. 

  • Upgrade your gear

    Do you have a hobby that you really enjoy but are using worn-out gear? Upgrade it this year to something of higher quality to appreciate while you’re working on it. Whether it’s a new dice bag and a case for your miniatures, a new journal, or even a power tool, treat yourself to one piece of high-quality gear to make your time more enjoyable. 

  • Discover your main quest line

    Spend time uncovering your purpose and mission. What side quests have led you here, and where will it take you in the future?

  • Write a story

    Whether it's a one-shot tabletop campaign or a complete fantasy novel, capture an adventure story from your imagination. 

  • Buy some new armor

    Clothes can make a huge difference in how we see and feel about ourselves. Find one outfit that makes you feel good.

  • Build up your strength

    Add some strength training and weights to your routine.   You don't have to be the party's barbarian to improve your strength stats.

  • Check out some role playing productivity apps

    Sometimes we need a little push to be more productive. Try an RPG-focused app to help you accomplish your goals. (Check out 10 Roleplaying Gamification Apps to Add Some Adventure to Your Day-To-Day for ideas)

  • Finish a game

    All too often, we start a new video game or TTRPG campaign before we finish the last one. Play one all the way to completion.

Multiplayer Quests

  • Take a class on your favorite game fight style

    Do you always play a monk - want to try a class in martial arts? How about a fencing class, archery, or even an ax-throwing bar? Try it out; if nothing else, it may give you a better appreciation of the game. 

  • Try a new game

    We all have our favorites or that one go-to for game night with friends. Always play D&D; try a different TTRPG for a change. Or a video game, or even a board game for the night. Mix it up and see what new favorites you may uncover.

  • Join a new guild

    Making new friends can be difficult. Find a new social group and try it out and see if you can find someone new to connect with.

  • Be a mentor to someone

    We are no longer noobs and have leveled up several times since our youth. Be a mentor to new players and use your experience to help them.

  • Go to a convention

    Have you ever wanted to check out PAX or Comic-Con? Make this the year that you get to see it in person instead of just on the internet.

  • Check out an escape room

    These group activities can be fun to roleplay and work on your puzzle-solving skills. There are action and fantasy options available to try as well.

Exploration Quests

  • Check out the awesome graphics

    Ever notice those amazing graphics in games during the sunrise and sunsets where the sky is filled with colors? Take time to see how amazing the graphics are in the real-life ones. 

  • Uncover part of the map

    In games, the areas we haven’t explored are often covered in clouds and hidden until we venture forth. See something new, whether a new road on the way home from work or sights across the world. What part of your map is still hidden in the mist?

  • Do a fishing quest

    So many games have us go fishing for a random NPC. Why not try it in real life for a change. If you don’t want to catch them, check out a local aquarium or even get a fish tank to complete your task.

  • Unleash your inner druid

    Spend some time out in the trees, go for a hike or a drive and wander the woods to clear your mind. 

  • See the world from above

    As players, we so rarely get to see beyond our immediate surroundings. Climb a mountain, drive to an overlook, or hike to a vista to get a different view of your world.

  • Learn some magic

    It may feel like there is no magic in the real world, but it can still feel real to a child watching a magician. Learn a trick or two and practice until you can make someone's eyes light up with belief.   

  • Learn a new skill

    What's next on your skill tree? Decide to tackle that next step and level up into something new.


Do you have a favorite? What quest are you going to try next?

These quests are from 100 Real Life Quests for Nerds, Geeks, Gamers, and Would-Be Adventurers available free to subscribers.


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